Saturday, June 03, 2006

Free Stuff

Sometimes people ask me what I use for certain tasks & services on the computer. This is a brief run-down of free sites & software that I recommend.

Google Notebook - I've been using this for a week or so and it's really helpful. It's like writing myself a note to remember things I see online.

Gmail - Great search & lots of storage. Spam goes directly into the spam folder where you don't have to see it. - This subsitute for WORD works like a charm & you're not paying Microsoft a dime for software they should be giving away for free.

Picasa - Easy photo editing & organization and the best red-eye reduction I've used, free or otherwise.

FireFox - A quick, safe browser with features Microsoft is copying for their next version of I.E.

30 Boxes - While Google Calendar gets all the attention, this online calendar gets the job done. Easy to use, Easy to share. I can't say enough. It's organized my life.

Blogger - You don't need to be a computer programmer to start your own blog. And believe me, you may not know it yet, but you have something to say.

Skype - Video calling allows my son to see his Gram anytime and we can call relatives in Italy for a fraction of what the phone company charges.

iTunes - But you say "I don't have an iPod, why would I use iTunes?" Do you have a CD burner? Buy an album for $9.99 and burn it to a disc. You'll often pay $17.99 (plus tax) for the same thing at the store.

Google Personalized Homepage / My Yahoo! - Use RSS to organize the headlines from all the sites you regularly check. See your sports scores, weather, tv listings & more in one place. I use both, but I think My Yahoo! is better organized.