Sunday, April 08, 2007

Memory is a funny thing...

The internet's ability to spark nostalgia never ceases to amaze me. Check out this video. I want a show of hands (comments will do fine, thanks)...who else remembers this?


Anonymous said...

I remember being very confused about htis as a child because I did not understand things like licensing rights -- I just wanted to know where the hell Egon and Slimer were. I actually asked my parents for some Ghostbusters toys for my birthday (thinking I would get Venkman or a Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man) and got a frickin' gorilla. Then, of course, "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon launched, and all was well again. The Onion AV Club actually has a discussion up this month about the numerous "Ghostbusters" shows that have come and gone over the years.

-- Ben

Stownley said...

That's where I came across it, at the AV Club site. It blew my mind.